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Monday, November 8, 2010

Cale loves Kathleen.

I slept! I slept last night so great after not sleeping for so long. I woke up with out my alarm and felt so refreshed and ready to go! I had a really busy morning so it was nice to have the energy. Thank you so much for praying-sleep has been a battle since the accident, so when it does come, it's welcomed! :) I'm praying it's not such a long time before it happens again! In fact, tonight would be great! :)

Cale played his first video game today! In OT, Monica did a trial on a new machine they have. It has two handles and when it's turned on, Cale becomes a race car. It takes a lot of hand and eye coordination and many other things! Cale did great. Monica was impressed with how quickly he figured it out, how he was able to problem solve on his own, and for how controlled he was. I know he was really enjoying it! After the game, Monica asked if I had any errands I needed to get done. I had a couple things so I left for a little bit and when I came back, Cale had written me two letters! She first had him write on black paper and then on lined paper. Monica asked him what he wanted to write and he did it all by himself! It said "Hi Kathleen! I love you lots! Love, Cale" Awe! So sweet :) Then he worked on a couple tests that she tries every now and then just to see how he's doing. After that we worked on some word finding. Cale did awesome! I was blown away by how much he was able to do with out any help! We had to show off his hard work to Patty his Speech therapist!

ST was full of laughter today! More of Cale's humor is coming out! The first thing Patty did with him was give him a word and try to get him to make a sentence.

Soap- I wear soap.
Pants- I wash pants and wear too.
Shower- I like the hot water.
Kathleen- Kathleen is cute. (he's so sweet!)
Cale- Cale loves Kathleen. (told you! heehee! This one is my favorite!)
Shoe- I wear two shoes.
Tooth paste- I brush teeth with tooth paste.

She also did some "What would you do if..." questions. P: "What would you do if you found a wallet?" C: "Steal the money!" P: "What would you do with the wallet?" C: "Sell it!" This was just one of the many answers he gave that made us laugh so hard! The truth comes out! I'm hoping he was just joking... ;)

More exciting things happened in PT! Mitch did a new trial on Cale to see how much he could do on his own...he gave Cale two canes and let Cale walk! He did great! After Cale walked for a tiny bit, he said that Cale wasn't using the canes as support or balance. He was using them as a guide for the floor. His vision (we think) is making it seem like the ground isn't flat, so this makes him so nervous to fall. Well, with using the canes, he can look up a lot easier because he's using them to feel. Mitch tested this by turning the canes upside down and Cale still walked great! If he was putting lots of weight on them when they were upside down, he would slip and fall. He did fantastic with the canes, but would not walk when Mitch tried to take them away! It's going to be interesting to see whats next for Cale and walking! Working our way to just us, hand and hand on the beach! :)

I had a video of him walking, but couldn't get it to load :( I'll try tomorrow!

Tonight after doing a devotional with Cale and praying, I was talking to him about Jesus and what he did for us. Cale has answered before, but I like to talk to him every now and then about how we were saved. I asked Cale tonight, "What did Jesus do for us?" C: "He saved us" K: "How did He do that?" C:"He died" K: "How?" C: "He died in a car accident."

8) I am so thankful for friends! I am so blessed with all the wonderful friends I have. Some of you I have never met, some I have only recently come to know, and then there are those that I have known for years! Each of you are a precious treasure! Being my friend through all of this has not been an easy task for anyone-I know. I don't always return calls, emails, texts, comments, or even make calls! I try to keep in touch, but with how busy things get here, I fail over and over. Thank you for understanding this season in my life, thank you for still encouraging me so much! Thank you for taking the time to come see me, thank you for caring enough about Cale and I that you read this blog, thank you for walking this journey with me, thank you for letting me know that you're an email, phone call, or trip away if I need to talk. Thank you for praying for us, thank you for so many more ways that you've been a blessing to me. Relationships have always been so important to me, so thank you for being one of them. You are all so special to me and I love you all so much. Thank you for being my friend!

I know Cale would say the same thing in a more manly way, so to all of his friends thank you for caring about him enough to visit, read the blog, comment on his facebook, sending him letters, and for calling to see how he's doing. It means a lot to him (even though he doesn't remember!) and it means so much to me. Thank you!

"Friends love through all kinds of weather"-Proverbs (the Message)


  1. I am loving watching you and Cale grow and seeing so much change in you both... It means there is hope for the rest of us :) It is especially encouraging because of how honest you have been with your feelings.... it is good to know when we struggle, that it is normal and we are not the only one who has ever had those thoughts or feelings. I come from a very religious background where people always looked like they had it all together, and I was taught to always make things look 'good'... In reality, we all are a mess, it's why we need grace. G-d is healing Cale a little every day, allowing you both to learn and grow!

  2. So very excited to see what God is doing in Caleb and how he takes care of you as well. The sleeping thing I understand a little of Hilary was in a car accident this summer and she is still having the effects of Post Concussion Syndrome. No sleep, nightmears and headaches still attack her everyday - I will pray for you Kathleen I had no idea you were having problems with sleeping. (Do you have PCS as well?)Blessings to you and Caleb as you continue on this journey!!!! Love the Boviers'

  3. Laughed so hard about the wallet. I just put food in my mouth when I read it, haha. I hope for your sake he was joking, lol!

  4. Barbara McKeon11/9/10, 10:12 AM

    Amy Grant has a song out "Better Than a Halleluya"
    and the progress you post on this blog is so much more than encouraging to all of us who read it. It is beter than a halleluyah sometimes. God blesses us and you with Cale. Who would have known??

  5. cales answers to the questions made me laugh.they were too cute.:)

  6. i love that amy grant song

  7. Leenabean,

    not only do i wake up every moment and rush to read this blog, but you cale, caitlin and me are all taking this journey together. I am so thankful that miracles are happening everyday to you both, and can only pray harder that he continues to make more and more progress each and everyday. we love and miss you both very much


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