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Saturday, November 15, 2014

this & that

We had this cute little guest room. I loved it. I loved the room and I loved when friends would come and stay in it. I had all the things from trips all over the world and well, everything just so. After many thoughts bouncing all around in my head and talking it out with Mama and Cale, we decided to take this guest room...

and turn it into...

...a play room! 

I'm so excited! The stage of life we're in, there's always littles running around and in our home there just isn't anywhere for them to go. Now we have a room where toys and games can be played! we recently had a prayer night here for a friend and it was a night I was so wishing we had the room ready. Lots of kiddos! haha.

 One of my favorite parts is in the corner, do you see that yellow mirror? Well, in the little chest next to it is the start to a collection of dress up clothes. The mirror is there for the kiddos to see themselves after dressing up! Nora crawls over to the mirror now and has a blast just looking at the baby she sees :) 

It's still a place for guest to come so don't worry if you were planning to come for a visit! We purposefully picked out a sofa bed for when we have company! 

This room warms my heart. One day when Nora is older, I'll be able to have a guest room with everything just so if that's what the need is, but for now, for this season, it just doesn't fit-and I'm totally ok with that! I'm also fully aware that it won't always look so pretty! 20 minutes ago that room was destroyed with toys all over! 

We enjoyed lunch out for Veterans Day. We always go to Applebees and Cale gets his free lunch. It's such a small thing but I think makes such a huge impact on him. The picture with Nora was a surprise to Cale. It took Mama's help and between the two of us we managed to get one! Nora was wanting to move and play-not sit and smile for mommy to take a picture! know my friend Rachel...the friend that I've grown up with, my maid of honor, the friend who visited every hospital we had to go to and the friend that watched as my daughter made her way into the world...


that friend has a baby in her belly. 

I'm bursting with joy. 

I was telling her one night as we walked together how I'm of course excited she's going to have a baby-thats obvious, but more than that, I'm so excited because I know what she's about to experience. I now know the unspeakable emotion of everything having a baby does within a person and now it's her turn. I just...whoa. I can't hardly type this without tearing up!

You're beautiful pregnant and I know you'll be a beautiful mommy. I can't wait to meet Baby E and watch as Nora and Baby E become the best of friends! 
My heart overflows with joy for you and Mike!!!

I have a few other pictures to share with you that we had done, but heres a few you can see now :) Nora was so serious the entire shoot! 

We took a trip to visit my brother. I have some great pictures to share but they're on the big camera so I'll have to load those ones later. Here's a couple quick ones!

Last little note- for those of you that continue to send us cards, we've gotten rid of our PO Box...just so you know...! ;)

That's all for now. At least for today!


  1. We are so excited for baby E too!

    Room looks great!

    And Miss Nora... ♥♥♥

  2. Cute Room your needs will change as time passes and it's great to have a room you can work through the changes with ~ at least until you have 2 or 3 wee ones lol ;) love that your friend is going to have a baby it will deepen your friendship in ways you won't be able to express or imagine but a friend's child is not just a friend's child ( she already knows this ~ but now you get to as well ) ! Nora is just as beautiful as ever ! Blessings and Thank Caleb for his service to our God, our Nation and our People !!!! Blessings ((()))) Reenie

  3. Oh, HOW MUCH FUN ! ! The room is so sweet. I love the picture of Nora with her Daddy's hat on. It's well worth all the effort it took. Father has His hand on you in a special way. I love being a part of your journey. I love you and your sweet family.

    A grateful friend,

    Please tell Rachel I am very happy for her. :)

  4. LOVE the playroom, Kathleen!! So fun! Nora is adorable and growing so much since I saw her!

    Congratulations Rachel and her husband!! How wonderful! I am thrilled for you. You are such a special friend to Kathleen!
    Emily J.

  5. Thank you for sharing your life with us... Nora is absolutely beautiful! And when my son was young, we too had a play room for him - I never regretted making a full room into his play room... it was fantastic as he grew older!

  6. Absolutely love the playroom! What a great and fun idea. Totally made me smile. All the best to you and your beautiful family.


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