On Mondays I get a report showing how Cale did through the week with the different therapy's. Today's was really short because he only had the two days last week. With comprehension, expression, and cognition they're saying he's severe deficits-profound deficits which severe deficits means-patient has great difficulty with even basic tasks and profound deficits means-patient is unable to complete daily tasks or express needs. They also increased the amount of food he has been getting. For everyone that doesn't know Cale, he's not a big guy! He's 6'2" and 140lbs and now he's 116.6lbs. They were feeding him every 6 hours and as of today they're feeding him every 4 hours so hopefully we see a little weight gain! I keep telling him that they're pumping him up with healthy stuff :) he hates healthy stuff! hehe!
Speech therapy gave him some more ice chips this morning and I got to see him swallow a couple times. The report shows that Thursday he spontaneously swallowed 3 times but I'm pretty sure he did more today. She's been working with the speaking valve, trying to get Cale to make noise or talk. I can't wait for that moment! He hasn't done anything yet as far as trying to communicate but one day I'll get to hear him say "I love you" and even though it may be along time away, I know it's going to happen at some point, and when it does happen, I'm going to be VERY happy!
The program he's in is on average 4-6 weeks and as of now they are estimating 8 weeks for Cale. They said it can always change but as far as what they see right now that's what they think. I don't mind. God has made a way that I can just sit by his side through all of it, so as long as it takes we'll do it! Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm not letting God know everyday that I wouldn't mind for this to all be over soon! :)
Also, if you haven't sent an email to prayingforcale@yahoo.com to be added to the chain then you should do it! For the ones that have, THANK YOU! It has been such a blessing to me already! Not just seeing how many people are praying for my husband and from all over, but also the emails you've sent with them. I can't respond to each one, but they have been so encouraging to my heart. Remember in the email to include name and location. The cutting of construction paper has started!
you said he hates health food.he really wants his soda.
ReplyDeleteJanis & I are going to pray even harder that at the end of the 8 weeks God will work an even bigger miracle than the ones he already has. Emily & Carly are praying too!! We love you & Cale.