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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cale is Hulk!

Cale started to open his right eye today! He hasn't had it open for soooooo long! At first it was just slightly but then through the day he finally opened it all the way. It's still not staying open for long periods of time, if something moves at all in his line of sight he closes it real quick. I also believe he's starting to track...not for sure yet :)

I tried to clip his nails today, they are forever long...I know that if he woke up tomorrow and saw them he would wonder what in the world I've been doing this whole time letting his nails grow out! Actually, he probably wouldn't be thinking that...haha! Anyways, I tried, and failed miserably. Shawna came back to day so I recruited her to help in the battle. He may not have full brain function right now, but yikes! He is not missing any muscle use! He was tossing us both around! I'm not even joking! I got pretty beat up. We ended with saying, "maybe tomorrow...".

I know a lot of people have already, but I know there are some new people reading this blog (and hopefully not new ones too!) so I wanted to mention the prayer chain again. I set up an email just for the prayer chain around Caleb's room. If you want to be a part of it, can you send an email to with your name and location? I know so many people have told me there praying, my brain just happens to be on overload at the moment, so lots of links don't get added. If you already emailed and are apart of that, thank you! It's going to mean so much to Cale one day and it already means so much to me!

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