Speaking of Cale coming so far...he made noise this morning! He was sleeping and had started to move a little, trying to stretch. I looked up, and as he was trying to get comfortable he started to moan! It was short and only like 2 sounds, BUT, that's twice in the last week that he's made sound.
This is going to be a very fast pace week. At 9am the calls start with Ft. Bragg, the new facility in CA, and meetings here at Wake. Lots of details that are up in the air, will hopefully be answered tomorrow. I'm excited!
Here are some pictures of our goodbyes...
A few WONDERFUL women from Salem Baptist :)
Here's Cale and his brother Ty, saying their goodbyes. So sweet.
I also had to leave Basil. Next time I get to see him he'll be a dog and not just a puppy!
This is Cale with my brother and his family. My brother is the one that watched the accident happen, so it's extra special for him to see how far Cale has come!
I am going to miss so many people here. Thank you to everyone that has been here, and that's been able to walk through this with me. I've had people that have taken me out to eat, walked with me, done Cale's laundry, prayed with me, brought goodies :), came and sat outside with Cale and I, joined me for a drive, watched Basil, fixed my computer, worked on my car, ran errands for me, sat with Cale when I was gone, and so many more things. I am so blessed. Thank you.
Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we
are never ever the same.-- Flavia Weedn
Kathleen- I wish you and Cale the best! You are such an amazing woman. Keep your eyes on the Lord. Love & Prayers,