They've been doing some filming here at the hospital because its the 50th anniversary for the Palo Alto VA Hospital. One of the ladies came in to see if they could film some of Cale's therapy. It was kind of fun! Not a big deal as far as what we had to do, but thinking about them taking pictures and filming felt kind of cool :) The lady was very sweet, when she walked in Cale's room, I was right next to his chair talking to him and she said "Well look at how cute you two are!" :) She took a couple pictures of us, which was fun!

After the filming was over, we went to the gym and Cale finished up OT with some balancing. Usually, my phone is on silent when I'm at the hospital, but I was expecting a very special call today. While Cale was working on his balance, my phone rang and it was Ty! His brother called from Afghanistan today! It was so great to see the smile on Cale's face!! I know it was good for Ty too! He got to see Cale a week before we left NC, but so much has changed since then! It was a very special moment. I can't wait for Ty to actually see Cale in person!
In ST, Patty has been wanting to try new textures of food with Cale. So far, he only wants ice cream. Everything else, is a no go. Everything must feel so weird to him since it's been so long, but I keep thinking that since he's understanding more that maybe it'll click for food...nothin' yet. We have asked him if it hurts or if he's scared, and his responses seem to be inconsistent so far. On Friday nights they have family dinners and tonight was the first one that Cale was able to go to and actually eat something. Mashed potatoes were on the menu, so I was so excited for him to eat some. Well, he took one bite and spit them out. As for ice cream, he ate a whole cup of it! That turkey! We'll keep trying! Another one of those things that just takes time...
Here's us at the beginning of dinner with his plate of mashed potatoes! :)

The Vision Therapist has been coming to see Cale the last week. One of the new things we're trying is a pair of glasses that have a slight tint for him to wear inside. His eyes hurt outside, but the light inside bothers him a lot too. When we ask him if they help he says yes pretty consistently so we'll see if this helps with the headaches. I did notice he was opening his right eye a lot more with them on! Also, I know it was mentioned to get modeling clay for him, but the worry from the therapist, is that he might eat it...of course, he's not wanting to eat anything right now! His mom is bringing some of his old skate videos when she comes next week, and we're still trying to come up with ideas. It's not an easy thing when there are so many safety issues! One thing that has been suggested a few times is that I get him a stuff animal for when I'm gone. I've been hesitant about doing this, knowing that Cale is not a child and I've tried to be careful about the things I've gotten for him. Finally, I thought maybe if I got him a dog animal, he'd love it because he loves dogs. Katie and I made a Target run today, and I found a doggy! When i showed Cale at first, he seemed to like him, but when I was running to my room for something and showed him to Cale, he hit him away. When I got back it seemed better and after me saying a bazillion names, Cale decided the dogs name is Peanut. :)
"These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God." Titus 2:4-5
I read this verse this morning and was immediately filled with so much gratitude for all the "older" women that have been in my life and have poured out so much wisdom on me. When I think about the kind of wife I am, the things that have helped shape me, and my passion for being the best wife for Cale that I can be, I think about all the women that God has placed in my life that were willing to be His tools and share so much insight into what a wife is supposed to be like. I hope and pray you know who you are! There are so many! Thank you so much! You truly are a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Hannah Haynor, and have been praying for the two of you since early April. I am writing now to suggest edible playdoahs. Most of the ones linked here are one time use, but the one with cornstarch in it can be saved in a sealed container and reused. I read your blog nearly every morning, and am so thankful for Cale's progress!
Kathleen H.
10 Edible Playdoahs
Simple Playdoah
Reusable Playdoah,1629,149162-227203,00.html
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Hannah Haynor, and have been praying for the two of you since early April. I am writing now to suggest edible playdoahs. Most of the ones linked here are one time use, but the one with cornstarch in it can be saved in a sealed container and reused. I read your blog nearly every morning, and am so thankful for Cale's progress!
Kathleen H.
10 Edible Playdoahs
Simple Playdoah
Reusable Playdoah,1629,149162-227203,00.html
ReplyDeleteYou have a very special gift of writing. Your unique ability to share with all of us makes us feel like we are right there along with you and Cale! I look forward to reading your posts and keeping up with Cale's progress! All of your followers are here in the background cheering! You cannot hear us with your ears, but I know your feel us in your heart. I pray every night for Cale's continued progress and it is so good to know our prayers are being heard!
Lorri C
hi! :) missya!
ReplyDeleteit's cool you wrote that verse. i just finished going to a Bible study that lasted all summer, and it was an in-depth study of that verse! Every week, we studied it more! Susy Fairchild led it!
You are becoming one of the loveliest women I know, Kathleen as the Lord shows his love for you and you show your love for Caleb, there is a huge investment that will not go unseen. You were teachable... now you are teaching others what it means to be the Titus Woman by your everyday ACTIONS - your trust in the Lord and your application of scripture shows this daily! The many seeds planted into you have taken root and are sprouting an abundance of rightouseness the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified. Love you ! Blessings ! Reenie Bovier