Cale had his first experience with out of the hospital food! His outing today was a trip to In-N-Out! He loved it too! In ST yesterday, Patty worked with Cale on ordering what he wanted. When it was our turn to order, I asked Cale "Do you want a hamburger or cheeseburger?" he said "cheeseburger!", K:one patty or two?" C: "two" K: "Soda or milkshake?", C: "milkshake!" K: "Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?", C: "vanilla!" They gave us our number and we had Cale listen for them to call out letting us know that our yummy lunch was ready to consume! I was pretty excited myself :)
When Cale took his first bite, the biggest smile quickly appeared on his face. It stayed that way for the next couple bites. When he took his first sip of the milkshake, the smile grew! He was in food heaven! I could tell that every bite he was taking, he was enjoying all the flavors, the textures, and every moment of eating outside of the hospital! He was making Rebecca and I laugh pretty hard from the reaction he was giving. Food is good, but unhealthy fast food-even better! :)
Dr. Sigford started Cale on trials of giving his pills orally. They also have him on I and O's (charting his intake of fluid and if he's having enough output) checking to make sure he's getting enough fluids. the process for the removal of his tube has started...woohoo!!!!
Cale had another eye appointment today. He's still not keeping his right eye open long enough for them to test his vision, but today with glasses they were able to correct his vision to 20/30. With out anything his vision out of his left eye is 20/60. They're still not sure how much damage was done to the optic nerve because he won't keep his eyes open! He's getting there though.
I keep forgetting to update on the mass in his nose. Because of the size, surgery is Cale's only option and because of his injury, doing surgery right now would do more damage than good. After his brain has had more time to heal, we'll look at the idea of surgery again and see what needs to happen. For now, the mass is fine hanging out a while longer. It's not growing at a fast rate and as of now isn't causing enough damage to worry about. I'm thinking about giving it a name... ;)
Patty (ST) has cleared Cale to use a special cup for drinking anything he wants! He's doing so well with thin liquids, but at this point it's still hard for him to control the amount he takes in. If he gets too much, that's when he starts coughing. The cup is designed to control the portion of liquid that he can have each drink! It's great! He's still having the thickened liquids with meals mostly because it's easier for him and he can drink more, but he's getting better!

"Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” Acts 4:30
Dear One, I quite agree with Cale, food is good, but fast food is better. :) I would have ordered the same thing, only, I would have ordered a chocolate milkshake. lol. Rejoicing with you, Marion Hansen
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for Cale's right eye.
ReplyDeleteAlso when I read part of your blog to my 13 year old daughter about Cale and you, she had tears she had to wipe away.
Thank you.
Kim Gilhuly
PK Gilchrist's sister
In and Out Burger...woot woot... How cool friend. The best is yet to come. It is so awesome to see the pictures and read posts of Cale's daily improvements. We were just wondering about the mass the other day. So glad to know that it is under control.
ReplyDelete"The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me,
seaweed was wrapped around my head.
To the roots of the mountains I sank down;
the earth beneath me barred me in forever.
But you brought my life up from the pit Oh Lord my God."
Jonah 2 :5-7
We love you and pray for you always. Go Cale go!!!
You and Cale went to my all time favorite place...In and Out! It is usually my first stop once we fly into the Bay area!!!! Great choice Cale! It makes me smile too :)
ReplyDeleteMandy Anderson