Wow! This year is over and we're starting a new one...yikes! I'm excited! I love New Years, because just like Spring, it's a time of new beginnings. We can go into this year bitter about what's happened over the last year, we can choose to move on and never look back, we can hope that we never have a year like that again, and we can wish that it had never happened. Cale and I are choosing to instead, be thankful for all that God has done in our lives this last year. To praise His name for the good and the bad, the hard days and lighter days, the sad times and the fun times. We're going to embrace everything that's happened and rejoice for every day that the Lord has made-that He's allowed us to still be together! We're also going to jump into the new year excited for what's to come, dive into the blessings the Lord is pouring out on us, be strong through each new day that this year has to offer, and pray that our eyes stay on the Lord. I pray that we continue to let Him lead and be number one in our lives. I pray that all the glory for what happens in Cale's recovery goes to Him and I pray that He will use us and our marriage in mighty ways to further the Kingdom! The Darling's are still going strong in 2011!! :)
Today was great! Cale did more secret stuff in OT this morning and I took down the Christmas decorations. I asked Cale if we could keep the lights up in his room, he said no. When I asked if it was girlie to do that, he said "Yes!" Haha! Well...since it is his room, I'll bring the twinkly lights to the Fisher House! ;)
I had asked the nurse this morning if it would be ok to get a quick pass for Cale so he could run to Starbucks with me. I still had my gift card and was really craving the same drink I had yesterday. She came back and said, after talking with the doctor they gave me an open pass! That meant that I could come and go with Cale today as long as it didn't interfere with therapy or meds. As soon as OT was over, we ran to Starbucks and then stopped at McDonald's for Cale. It was his first time having Micky D's since before the accident. When we first pulled up, I asked Cale what he wanted, "Everything. All of it!" K: "How about, do you want cheeseburgers or chicken nuggets?" C: "Both!" Haha! He loves the crazy place even if it is terrible for him! Today they had Family Friday Night Dinner at lunch. On the menu was Japanese and because of how picky Cale has been, I figured that wasn't going to go over so well. I enjoyed it though! :)
Part way through lunch, Monica came and got Cale. They left for a tiny bit and then she brought him back. I figured it had to do with the secret stuff! After a couple more minutes, a cake with candles came in! Cale had made me a cake in OT!!! :) It was so stinkin' sweet! Monica said Cale did a lot on his own, with just a little bit of help. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me :) It was so sweet and such a special surprise! I'm still wondering what the other secret thing is! Sunday will be here soon! Heehee! I love birthday's so much!

Cale had PT in the pool today. He was getting worked pretty hard and I'm pretty sure he wasn't a big fan. At one point, Pat and I were trying to encourage him. I was talking to him about how we're finishing 2010 strong. Cale put up his arms and said "Arrrgh!" Haha! After that he did so good! He still would get tired and say it was hard, but it was still a good session. One of the things they worked on was Cale jumping!
After pool was over, we hopped back in the car and ran to the store. Cale helped me get something that we're going to try for him. He used his walker which was a big deal because I knew it was going to be a lot of walking. He did really good! At one point he started walking with his eyes closed. When he starts getting tired or overstimulated, he'll close his eyes, which is usually fine, but not while we're walking! I was able to get him to open them up again by asking him to lead us to the register. He loves when he has a task and gets to complete it. He always says "I win!" :)
Once back at the hospital, it was time for another Wings game. We ended up eating dinner in bed again so we could watch the whole game. Our trays came with cute little bottles of Sparkling Cider and pretty plastic cups. It was a fun little celebration! All was good until the Wings lost :( Cale was so mad! He kept saying "It's dumb. Dumb game. So sad!" He started to throw his Red Wings hoodie on the floor! Haha! He wasn't a happy camper at all! It took a card game after that to cheer him back up!

In 2007, Cale surprised me with a trip to watch the ball drop in NYC. It was a birthday present and all along, I knew he was planning a birthday surprise, but was of course expecting it on my birthday! We were even planning to go to a ball on New Years Eve. I had borrowed a dress and made plans to get ready with a friend. We stayed up laughing and talking until 2am the night of the 30th and then at 6:00am on the 31st, Cale woke me up and said, you have an hour to get ready! What?! Aah! What did he have planned? I thought maybe he was taking me out to breakfast, but why before my birthday? On our way to Syracuse, I thought I had it figured out that he was taking me to IHOP because I love eating there, but then that wasn't it...we ended up at a train station. Hmm...a train ride! Yes! He knew that I had always wanted to ride one! I was so excited and kept telling him how great it was. I was still wanting to make sure we were going to be back in enough time for me to get ready for the ball. I still had to fix my hair and make up, paint my nails, and shave my legs! Finally, after being on the train for a while, Cale told me the plan! Wow! I was shocked that he came up with it, with out any help from me! He had all the details figured out and everything! We had one of the best nights! It was so funny because if it was me planning, I would have had bags for us, a hotel room, a list of things to go do and see. Since Cale planned it, all I had was my purse and instead of getting a room, we walked the city all night, slept in a McDonald's for a couple hours, and had random fun. He's amazing and I loved the trip SO much!!
Today he surprised me with a homemade cake, and for him to bake-is a really big deal!! I wonder if he remembers how much I love surprises ;)

Happy New Year from the Darling's!! :)
I am betting he does remember, and that is so sweet! Happy New Year! Praying for continued healing for Cale!
ReplyDeleteI must agree with Heather, I think Cale remembers. The front of his brain might not always get things, but his subconcious does. here's to aonderous New Year!!!
Our biggest prayers for your even best New Years yet.Just think how marvelous this year will be. Caleb is getting better and stronger every day. We truly believe that God's healing hand is on him and will brink him back to his fullness. We can't wait to see what comes in this next year.
ReplyDeleteOn another note: Happy Birthday sweet girl. We love you. We miss you and we can't wait to see you again. We pray you have a fantastic day and that man of yours spoils you rotten.
Kathleen, I love how you share memories of your lives before the accident as well as stories throughout each day at the hospital. It makes me feel like I know you both so well. If Brian had planned a trip like that, it would have been the same way! :) Happy New Year, belatedly. :)