It's been a hard emotional day. Challenging. I have been in tears throughout the day and I've felt overwhelmed. It's hard being here alone sometimes. It wasn't all bad, it's just draining.
It started yesterday a little, and today it was constant. Cale is mad. He's angry and sad. I can't imagine how he feels! My heart is breaking for him and at the same time, I have no idea what's the right thing for me to be doing. He has been throwing fits all day. He's keeps saying, "This sucks!" and throwing his arms. From a distance today, I could tell right away that he was mad again. Thankfully, it doesn't take much to get him to calm down (usually). Dr. Howe is back tomorrow so I know it's going to help talking to her about it. Even though it's really hard to see him like this, I know it's a good thing and a part of him healing. He's starting to realize even more that he can't do all that he could before. Things are different. He still doesn't understand his brain was hurt or even the reason why he's in the hospital. He can't remember (and it's a good thing!) how he was even a couple months ago. He's frustrated and keeps saying he's not getting better. He said today that he's mad at everyone. He's not being angry with me or at me, but it's still hard for me to see him so mad. He's not wanting to eat anything either, which is hard too. The thought of having to go grocery shopping and cook stuff sounds so overwhelming. I already don't have time to go to the store, except for quick trips...ugg. When I think of all the really quick things I could make in the microwave, he won't eat any of it! I said at one point this afternoon, "I don't know what I'm going to be able to make for your meals." C: "cookies." K: " You can't have only cookies for a meal!" C: "Pie" K: "You can't have only pie." C: "Then both!" Haha! That's an even better meal! Cookies and Pie...!
I'm whining. I know. Tonight I'm going to go to sleep and wake up to a new day. I'm going to rejoice and be glad in it! I know everything is going to be fine, and again I know that him going through this stage is a good thing. I know when I make myself go to the store tomorrow, I'll be able to find a few things that he will hopefully enjoy! I read this morning in my quiet time "One of the things I love about God is that He sees progress even in our small steps. He sees infinitely into the past and the future, so He knows when an inch we've taken is going to turn into a mile." My little view only can see what's happening right now, with Cale being angry, but God sees the whole picture (I have to keep reminding myself of this!) and knows what the next stage is, He knows the healing that's taking place in Cale, and He knows what role this stage is going to play in Cale's recovery. I have to break down this journey often rather than always look at the whole thing. Every step we take through this, God has equipped us-He's prepared us. Whatever is going on with Cale right now, God has already instilled in me how to be the best wife that I can be for him where he's at-if I allow God to work in my heart and keep my focus on Him.
This morning, I woke a little earlier so that I could have much needed time in prayer. I needed time that wasn't rushed, was away from the hospital, and just me and the Lord. It was such a wonderful time! Such a blessing that I had that time this morning because of all that I faced through out the day! I was able to claim scripture that I had read and studied, and was reminded of some of my prayer time this morning! When we allow God to take hold of our day, then we are able to face whatever comes at us, reflecting Christ.
I wrote something up this morning that was part of the bible study I'm doing. I spent some time thinking about it and working on it. There were specific directions, but I wanted to make it really personal for where I'm at in life. I wanted to share it with you...
I praise God who is my Protector! My Peace Giver! You have prepared every step of this painful path you have for me. I must be patient and trust in Your perfect plan! -kd
It's definitely not from a professional, but I wanted to share it because that's what was on my heart this morning, and then I had a day like today. I was able to hold on to what I had written from my heart and it encouraged me so much! How great is God?!

Another hard time today, that I thought was going to be really exciting was a trip to go bowling! Cale used to love to bowl and was really good at it too! I was so excited for him to go again and have a good time. I was thinking it was going to be great to help his not-so-great day. Well, it started off good. He was excited about bowling, put his shoes, on and got in position!

The only problem was that he had his hands ready, but when he brought the ball back, he didn't have enough strength and coordination to bring it forward to send it down the ally. He got so upset! He was saying it was dumb and he was mad. After a while, we were able to get him to join in again using the ramp.

At the end of the game, he said he was mad. I asked why and he said "my score. I suck now." :( Poor guy! It must be so hard for him to not be able to understand why everything is so hard now. Even with him being upset, he did keep a pretty good attitude and had some fun even if he doesn't want to admit it! He clapped a few times and cheered for himself and the other patient that was playing with us!
It's not acceptable to throw fits though, so we're going to be working on this...
Tonight we ended the hard day with a really sweet time together. After reading our devotional, I talked to him about his day. After he told me how he's mad and sad that we're in a hospital, I said to him, " God gave you and me a job to be in this hospital right now. What do we need to do if God gives us a job?" C: "accept the job." K: "Do we accept it and be miserable?" C: "No" K: "We have to do our best and work our hardest right?" by the end of the conversation, he was doing a lot better. When we prayed, he prayed that he would have a better day tomorrow :) I'm praying for that too!!
Poor Cale!.... will be praying for him in this area. ~ heather
ReplyDeleteKathleen this brought tears to my eyes also. I feel for you and Cale right now. The challenges he is facing in his healing process must be real hard for him. I will pray for patience for him and for the anger part to stay away. You are a wonderful wife, whose sticking by her man and a true Godly women. Its going to be hard on you also but I pray for God to give you the peace and patience to help Cale get through these angry times....Andrea Alvarado
ReplyDeleteKathleen, I so needed 2Cor 4:16. My situation is vastly different from yours. Yet Father's word brings healing. I WILL continue to trust Father for Cale...and for you too. Remember, Father didn't bring you this far to leave you. He cares about Cale even more that you do, and won't leave him without the support of His sweet Holy Spirit being right there TOO!! I love you, Marion
ReplyDeleteKeeping you and Cale in my prayer. Jean
ReplyDeleteHi Kathleen,
ReplyDeleteWhat you have written today just broke my heart. Fortunately for Cale he won't remember this part of his healing and his anger, sadness and frustrations, but you will, and that is what breaks my heart. I am praying so hard for you! This path that you are traveling is so hard and not many people are asked to travel it. Don't be afraid to have bad days and just cry, scream and let it out. People are not expecting you to be perfect and have all the right answers all the time in this situation you find yourself in. You are doing amazing though and are choosing to have a good attitude, which the Lord WILL bless you for!
Graham went through that frustration stage and still is going through some really hard times for himself. He thinks he sucks too, and thinks he is bad at everything he does. He doesn't know why this happened to him and feels it's taking too long as well. He's not as angry anymore, but the sadness is there and it's devastating to watch. I have found that praying immediately with him and encouraging him the second he gets upset, sad or mad helps SO much. Don't let the devil get in there and try to destroy your marriage. He wants to see you fail in this and for the two of you just be at each other all the time.
Praying so hard for you, my dear sister in Christ. Can't wait to meet you someday, whether in this life or the next!
Most Sincerely, Randi Stump
Your ending to your beginning part of your day reminded me a lot of what I would've said, "I'm whining. I know. Tonight I'm going to go to sleep and wake up to a new day. I'm going to rejoice and be glad in it! I know everything is going to be fine." But I don't think you are whining, God gave you the Body of Christ, who is following your journey so diligenty, to be there for you and to listen and pick you up when you need it. So it's okay to "vent a little" every once in a while as long as your focus remains on our amazing God who will see us through this. Maybe that's why we feel like we're whining, because we know God is bigger than what we're going through? I don't know. Anyway, we'll be praying that it was just a rough day for the both of you - we all have them, TBI or not =)
ReplyDeleteIn Him, Jody & Scott
Kathleen, How do you eat an elephant ? One bite at a time ....any more and you would choke! That is how we handle these situations we don't look at them all at once - we ask the Lord for the fork and we take it one bite at a time! He has prepared a meal for us in the presence of our enemies.... The meal may look overhwhelming but God is so good - He says come sit and rest eat and be at peace ....(Yea I see the spirit of fear sitting over there waiting - but ya know what I AM is here with you~ He can't partake of your meal or be anywhere near you for I AM is in you ! ) You may not have a hankering for elephant but God knows exactly what will nurish your spirit and grow you up !!!!! As far as Caleb's healing - the anger is part of it and it is good that he is able to express it - You are well equipped for the table set before you - So blessed to be able to pray for you and Caleb on this journey!!!! LOVE YOU VERY MUCH !!!((()))) Reenie!
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine told me of your story and your incredible faith. My prayers are with you and Cale. Bless you for sharing your journey. Kathy
ReplyDeleteWhat you told Cale to encourage him - about doing the job well - was wonderful. I will pray for you that God continues to give you the right words at the right time for your husband. Kathleen, you are such a crown for him!