Obviously it’s very a different situation this time, but I must say, the wonderfulness of it hasn't changed a bit! I love it!
Right now our "bed" is two hospital beds pushed together. I was told the breaks on them aren’t working, but I have to figure something out! All night, I find myself wrestling with the sheets, trying to hold on with out waking Cale up, as my body is slowly sinking through the opening of the beds. It’s like an earthquake is taking place and I’m being spilt between two chunks of land…at least that’s what seemed to be taking place in my dream ;)
This morning I made a yummy smoothie for Cale, and he drank the whole thing! In fact, he was enjoying it so much, the slurping sound was quite loud as he was trying to suck up every last drop through the straw. Wanna know what was in it? Banana, Blueberries, yogurt, Odwalla juice, and spinach. Yep, he loved it.
After our not-so-morning routine, Mel and September picked us up and we headed to a Vegetable and Fruit stand that’s near the hospital. It was fun picking stuff out with Cale. He was pretty interested when I was getting the fruit, but once we moved towards the Veggies, he lost that interest…haha! At one point while we were out, September asked Cale when my birthday was. He was trying to remember and guessed a few days and then September said, “Do you need to phone a friend?” Cale said, “No” with a laugh. Then she asked if he needed to use 50/50. Cale was confused at this point and then I asked, “Do you know, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” Cale looked right at me and said, “Yeah, you!” Haha! Oh goodness! We all laughed so hard! We also had a nice time driving around and getting lost ;) They left a little after noon. Visitors are all gone…
Cale and I ate lunch together and played cards for a bit. We first played Crazy Eights, but I was on the phone for most of the games we played, which is my excuse for why he kept beating me! Then, after I was off the phone, we played a game of Skip-Bo. We used to play it a lot together, and both really enjoy it. Well, I started dealing and kept going until Cale said stop. Once the game started, I’m not sure how he did it, but he ended up winning the game and I still had 18 cards left in my pile! That stinker! Of course, he was pretty darn happy with himself!
It was a few minutes after that game, that I felt myself start to crash. All of a sudden, everything slowed way down, and I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to keep my eyes open! Cale was game to cuddle, so we put on a movie and relaxed…so nice! We both ended up taking a little snooze. Before I finally gave in and let myself sleep, I kept thinking about everything I should be doing and what things would be better for Cale to be doing. I think it’s going to take a little getting used to the new schedule where things aren’t back to back busy all the time…I mean…it was a holiday and all, right?! I’m so glad I finally decided it was perfectly fine to rest, because boy did I need it! I know Cale needed it as much as I did!
It’s been real chilly today and the wind picked back up this evening so I made us soup and grilled sandwiches for dinner. The first go with the sandwich, I forgot about it and when I turned it over, the whole slice of bread was black! Oops. I traded that slice for another and tried again…oops. Black again. Round three turned out perfectly, and that went to Cale! It’s fun being back in the kitchen and cooking for us after not doing it for so long. I’m a bit out of practice, but I think I’m going to enjoy getting better again! :)I might set off a few alarms in the process, but that's nothing different from before!
Please be praying for this next week. A lot of decisions are going to be made that will determine several things. I’m not stressed about it (which is always good!), but it would be nice to get a few things figured out. The biggest thing is that Cale is so far past done with being in a hospital. I might have to agree myself!
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Wow. It’s the very first verse in the Bible and blows my mind every time I read it. Do we get that? Well, the first question is do you even believe it? If you do, then do you understand that? With all the science and technology that’s in the world today and years past, this simple sentence has been such a hang up to so many people. It’s a hard thing for our little minds to grasp! Is this why man has come up with so many other theories? I wonder, are any of the many ways that man has come up with of how the earth was created, does anyone really believe them?
Every time I read that verse and after my mind has been blown away, I think of the very next thing that comes to my mind…and He loves me.
Yes, God created this very world we live in and then created us because He is love. Dear friend, right now, He loves you. He desires you. He wants to hear your heart, hear your thoughts, and hear your passions.
Love is best expressed towards someone…so He created us to love.
Do we get that?
Here are a group of young girls that came from a school near by. They sang the Army song to us and Cale joined in! This was Wednesday our first full day in Cale's first room.
Here's our new little apartment. Cale made it very clear that this is not home and we are still in the hospital!
We now have a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table!
Our bedroom...that we both stay in all night...LOVE it!
Cale pushing the cart in the grocery store. he did so great!
Yay for Seattle!
Space Needle!
Here we are with Mel and September getting our yummy Krispy Kreme!
At the market getting healthy stuff ;)
The internet let me get pictures on here tonight, but still won't let me in my email...sorry if you've sent one to me since I've been here and I haven't responded!
It's so much fun to see pictures and feel a part of your life. Thank you for sharing. You are right where Father wants you, and you will KNOW just when He wants to move you to your true home. I love you, Marion
ReplyDeleteIt was amazing to see you again, and to meet Cale! What an GODLY inspiration you are to us, and you bless us daily!!!! Thank you so much for touching our hearts, allowing us to be stretched to new levels and teaching us to be more Christ-like along the way.
ReplyDeleteThis was our Psalms reading for February 18th in our One Year Bible (NIV) --
"Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psa 37:3-4
Kathleen, I know you know this verse, but maybe it could be shortened for Cale? God knows what Cale's desires are, and after resting in that safe pasture, He will give it to Cale!!! Amen.
An Apartment YEA!!!! Maybe it's not home YET but it's the next step and you are well on your way ! So happy for you both Praying for Both you and Caleb to find the joy in each moment as you wait on the next leg of this journey. I know that you do with each small step you decide to see Heaven. Love to you (((()))) Reenie
ReplyDeleteYeah, an apartment and snuggling EVERY night:) Hope he dosen't snore too much Kathleen. LOL I am so happy for you two. God is def not finished just yet. .....still so much more to come. I pray you both keep shining His great love. Julie H.
ReplyDeleteI think Cale needs some guys to hang out with, too, don't you? Ha ha, hopefully he can have some male bonding soon. Thanks for keeping up with the posts. I have fallen behind but am catching up today. Maybe one day I can meet you in person. You guys are amazing, and God is amazing.