Kathleen is a happy woman. Along with the hockey stick, I also received…Amelia (my gps) in the mail. I was pretty excited and with a really big grin, I kept saying, “Now we can go somewhere!”
This morning we had another meeting about how things are going and spent some time setting goals. Tomorrow there’s a meeting about, time frame and discharge planning. Before we left Palo Alto, I had an idea of how I wanted us being here to look like and I had fears of what I didn’t want to happen. Well, it looks nothing like what I had first planned, and the fears that I had before coming, have happened. Funny thing is that it’s ok. It is! I feel so much peace about how things are here and the way it’s turned out. I’m still wanting to have a better picture about what the whole plan is going to look like, but I think I’ve been wanting that since the accident…oh wait…haven’t I wanted that all my life?! We always want to know the future! Oh the wonders of learning to take one day at a time!
I know being in the apartment is really helping me.
A few really great things:
Cale has been accident free since we’ve been here! Even more than before, he says that he needs to use the bathroom and goes on his own. This is such a big deal! Let’s keep it up! :)
I was in the room filling out papers and Cale was sitting in the living room playing Xbox, when someone knocked on our door. I jumped up and put my slippers on, ran around the bed, and when I walked into the living room, Cale had already started to walk to the door! He didn’t have his walker or cane! The distance from the chair he was in to the door, isn’t that far, but it was so great that he did that!
I was lying next to Cale earlier. He wasn’t saying anything, but not asleep (very unusual. Most times, if he's awake, he's talking...or at least trying to!). Randomly he looks at me and says, “Do you know Chei’s middle name?” Chei is his sister, and nope I couldn’t remember. He said, “It’s Nicole.” When I asked if that’s what he really thought, he said, “I think so. I think that’s right. I’ll bet ya!” I sent his mom a text and asked her if that was her middle, and it was! It was so neat that he thought of that! We had bet a candy bar, so I owe him now!
Tonight we had a very special visitor! A dear friend that has been reading the blog for a while, and is always so encouraging with sending packages, emails, and leaving comments, came to say hello! :) Neither of us had ever met her, and what a blessing it was!
Here is Marion and her son Ben!
She also left us a great gift! After opening these tonight, Cale and I just had to have a yummy cup of hot chocolate! :)
I was reminded of a verse in Psalms this morning, so before our day started with the first meeting, I read it and then read it again to Cale. When I read it, I read a few more verses and then did some digging. I loved what my notes said. It was such a great reminder and then as the day continued, I was able to see through calls, messages, the meeting, and the peace in my heart, how true it is and how great God is.
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and he will help you. Psalm 37:5
My notes said:
To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrusting everything-our families, jobs, possessions-to his control and guidance. To commit ourselves to the Lord means to trust in Him, believing that he can care for us better than we can ourselves. We should be willing to wait patiently for Him to work out what is best for us.
Always good to be reminded of that!
Hey There, I think I recognize those two. :) Ben and I had such a wonderful time meeting two of my favorite people. I was just reading the blog and rejoicing at how well Cale was doing and marveling yet again, at your faith and how encouraged I am by you. Then there we are. You are quick. Oh , as Ben and I were leaving, we heard them announcing BINGO. Did you go and win some bingo bucks?!?!?!! I love you, and again, I am honored to have met you. Hugs, Marion
ReplyDeleteYEA!!!!!! How great that you got to meet Marion, not that I know her myself , but I can see how encouraging she has been to you and all the LOVE she has for you and Caleb- So I am so happy God enabled a meeting !!!!!! Commit - gotta say great notes ! Put everything in his Hands- often difficult for us as humans BUT well worth it ! Simply ~difficult one of my favorite Oxymorons! Putthe whole weight of the situation in His Hands - (trust) ....You are so full of encouragement and HOPE - we pray that the Lord will continue to encourage you,for what is in the heart comes out the mouth- Love you - Prayed for you and Caleb today !!!!! (Amy and Adam as well ;) ) . Reenie
ReplyDeleteI ditto what Reenie said. I love that you got to meet Marion. I have read her comments so many times and know what an encouragement she has been to you two. I had no idea where she lived. So very God like to put you two together!!! HIS family is everywhere, and we are part of it! His Faithfulness abounds.
ReplyDeleteTrusting in Him is the only way to go, though we do struggle to let go sometimes, when we do He always holds us so tightly:) Love you two. Julie H
Kathleen I have been reading you every day just haven't got around to comment in a few days. Glad you got to meet some blogger friends. Marion is a beautiful lady I don't read to many comments I do read yours. I like you apartment it is so cute maybe it want be long before you can have one outside of the hospital. Glad to hear what Caleb is doing he has come a long way and will continue to do so. I will keep you both in my prayer.
ReplyDeleteYay Cale!!! Knowing to answer the door and walking on his own, knowing his sis's middle name, and being accident free! Yay for you guys being able to get a glimpse of life outside the hospital. I am also glad you were able to meet Marion and Ben. I love to read Marion's comments also :)
ReplyDelete~ Heather