Ahhhhh!!!!! Oh my gooooooodness!! Eeeeeek!!!
For OT, Teresa took us to an open parking lot and had Cale-get-in-the-drivers-seat…Yes! HE DROVE!!!!

Rain…that’s the only way I can think to describe the miracles that have been happening! I feel like all the clouds that have been hanging over us have opened up and now miracles are coming like a drenching rain.
And we’re dancing in it.
Did I ever think this day would come again? Honestly?
I had prayed, hoped, dreamed about-but actually seeing it? Living it?
Not sure I can say a confident “YES!”
When Teresa mentioned it this morning, a very loud squeal found its way (yet again) from my mouth. My heart started beating so fast and even now as I type, my hearts pounding again! I’m even a little shaky! Oh my stinkin’ goodness.
When we arrived at the parking lot, there were cars parked and it wasn’t as uh, “open” as I was picturing. We were in her car, and I wasn’t ready to see a fender bender. She seemed very confident as she settled in the passenger seat. I felt as though I may just bust right through the roof with all of my excitement and well, Cale didn’t seem nervous at all. There were a few scares (more on my part) and he had a bit of adjusting with the gas petal and break, but HE DID GREAT!!!!
It went way better than I had imagined it going. I finally had to get myself outside of the car for a bit to let some of my bottled up noises out. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to contain them for much longer and the few that got out, I was afraid I was going to make things go south.
He drove for 25 minutes; did very well following directions, and reminded me of when I was 15 and behind the wheel…although he might have done better.
Still shocked from what happened this morning, I’m going to continue on about yesterday and the rest of today :)
Speaking of miracles…I’m seeing some changes in Cale and I KNOW it’s all these little things that add up and can so clearly be seen by the full package of a miracle.
His shower yesterday morning was very different. I can’t quite pin what made it seem that way though. Maybe it was his confidence? Or the way that he seemed to be able to sequence everything a little smoother? Maybe even just the way that he was talking and getting out more, I’m just not sure. I was impressed and feeling good about how the day was going to go.
His first therapy of the day was speech. As I’ve said before, this most times is always the hardest for Cale and has been that way even in the beginning. It takes so much out of him and is where he struggles the most. Before Doreen left after the session she said, “Cale, I’d say this was your best session yet!” He did awesome! I’ve been seeing a noticeable difference with his word finding. They also worked more using the ipad and started a memory game. It’s very geared towards adults and then just set at an easier level. It was a dramatic change from our Palo Alto days at playing memory in OT! Monica would be so proud! Awesome stuff.
Cale has been really expressing his thoughts more and getting out longer sentences while doing it. It’s so encouraging to watch this new transformation with his speech. Doreen went over a few things that I can be doing with him, so last night while lying in bed I started with some of it…sneaky. I know. He of course has no idea that it’s therapeutic!
I asked him to name four restaurants and out of ALL of the places he could have chosen, his four were, “McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Subway, and Wendy’s” Haha! Uh, you can tell what he likes to eat! Oh dear. What do I do with him? Haha.
Before the driving (beyond craziness!) this morning, we tried to do Geocache again. The OT did some changes to the little gps, so we thought it might be easier for Cale. He seemed to enjoy it more today and had a good time looking through all the treasures!
The spot we had to treasure hunt was beautiful!

Later this afternoon, a man from church came to have some much needed guy time with Cale. He just happens to be our Pastors dad. He brought a long a younger guy from church and the three of them painted the railings in the back and waxed his motorcycle. Cale wasn’t too gung ho at first about the whole idea, but he ended up really having a good time. He had a huge smile when I talked to him quickly right after Matt left.

Tonight Cale went to a baseball game with our Pastor and his family. I’m here writing and must say that it feels strange being home for the evening and not having him here. It hasn’t happened yet! I know he’s having a blast and I can’t wait to see how much he remembers! Normally, I would automatically think he’s not even going to remember that he went, but tonight as I write, I’m believing that he’s going to remember and have things to share! This is a big
I’ve written a little about my trip to Malawi a couple years ago and have something else to share. When my friend Melissa and I arrived, we were each handed a baby, and were suddenly mothers. They slept with us (was there ever sleep?!), we fed them, bathed them, washed their clothes-the whole ppackage! My baby’s name was Blessings. I was 19 and not a mother, but that moment was the beginning of a beautiful thing. My heart was captured by this little baby and other than loving my husband the best that I could while he was deployed and I was in the foreign land, this little guy was getting every bit of love that I could squeeze out of me.
A relationship and emotion that I had never experienced before had started. I sent Cale several emails about how I wanted to bring this baby home and have us raise him, but that wasn’t what God had in store for him-or us.
I can’t say that there have been too many days that have gone by that I haven’t thought of his sweet face and what he would be like now. I have wept because I miss him; all of the kids at Tiyamike so much. Well, a lady that I had met there and still stay in contact with has gone back several times and will send a picture of him. Yesterday I was able to see a video!! He’s not a 2 month old baby like when I first held him or 8 months when I said good bye. He’s a little boy!
Wanted to share with you also! :)
Untitled from kerstin Obermann on Vimeo.
Here's him as a baby!
How do you like the new blog look? The lady that did it was amazing and so great to work with! She asked what kinds of things I like, and with the list I gave her she made something that I think is exactly me! I didn’t even know what to expect and love it way more than anything I could have imagined! I had even sent her a handful of pictures to have her choose which to use. I just love it all! Thanks Molly!!!! I wrote a little note to all of you, if you click at the top where it says "Click to read Our Story" :)
Oh, my sweet Kathleen, I can't tell you how pleased I am with Cale driving. How Cool is THAT!! A true gift from Father above. What a sweet picture of Blessing. I love you and continue to trust Father for you and Cale. Marion
ReplyDeleteI just read "Our Story". Very well done. It makes me excited for the book that will be out in time. I love you and am proud as punch to be a part of your journey. Marion
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, the story of the baby you held all those years ago touched my heart and the pictures gave me goosebumps! May it flood with more rain! <3 Alma
ReplyDeleteI love the new blog and I love seeing Cale DRIVE!!! I can picture you getting out of the car just to squeal in delight! I would do the same thing! I can't tell you how great it feel to read that you are experiencing showers of miracles. Still praying for you guys... and I LOVE the new blog design.
ReplyDeleteLeena Bean, you better let Cale know just how proud seeing that video of him driving made me. he has come along way, and my eyes are full of tears of joy right now. love and miss you all
YAY!!! That is about all I can say!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!! Yay for Cale driving, Yay for a GREAT speech session, Yay for a "guy's day", Yay for getting to go to the baseball game, and you getting some alone time, and YAY for people that are so special and willing to give of their time! OOOO!!! And also a big YAY for the new blog look!! I LOVE it and it definitely "looks like you" Love you guys!! <3 Marilyn
ReplyDeleteIsn't it all just simply amazing?! Oh all should have seen me yesterday! Haha!
ReplyDeleteDriving!! How exciting!! I also love love love seeing the update on the baby you took care of in Malawi! He is just beautiful and so healthy looking.
ReplyDeleteWe LOVE geocaching. It can be an addicting hobby. haha, now every road trip we are stopping to treasure find!! Some are super tiny, (nanos) we are just finally getting good at finding them. :)
We are still praying for Cale every night!
Mandy, I'm wondering how I never heard of it and SO many people do it! Cale doesn't seem to enjoy it until he gets to see what the goods are! :) Thanks for praying!