It was unbelievable.
Everything she usually would have done today would have been in one session, but for Cale we’re breaking it up into 3. She did several tests and asked a ton of questions. Hopefully this is going to help a ton with Cale’s gait when he walks, his confidence, concentration, and so much more. His vision effects so much that I wouldn’t just automatically think of.
I’ve been told more than once that there’s not much more that can be done to help his vision. This of course was after being told he wouldn’t be able to see out of his left eye, and then his right eye…but today offered hope for more!
Praise God!
The doctor is amazing. I was over the top impressed with how well she worked with Cale and all of her knowledge dealing with TBI.
Crazy excited about this!
While we were sitting in the office waiting for the doctor, Cale was starting to get bored. He pulled the face thing over and started playing with it! I had to snap a quick picture before letting him know I didn’t think playing with such an expensive piece of equipment was a very good idea!

He had to wear funny glasses for all the testing. I was jealous of all the fun, so I joined in! ;)

It was a super encouraging day. Those…those kind of days are always so welcomed!
You so sound like a mommy...I mean, you just have to get a picture before you take the "toy" away. You will do just fine when the time comes. Your glasses were fun too. I love you, Marion