This is a quick update, but I had to let you know that within the last few weeks, Cale’s memory has dramatically changed! I’d like to think it was due to my kisses…but, I think we all know it’s straight from the hand of God! Amazing!
It’s still not consistent, but in the moments when I feel like he’s really engaged, he’s bringing up stuff or remembering stuff that even a month ago wasn’t happening. A lot of his memory coming out is with prompts to help a long, but again, even with multiple prompts sometimes he was still completely blank. It’s always in and out, but when we’re in, I’m singing from the rooftops and when we’re out, well, I’m on my knees. I wish I had time to tell you about the stories, but maybe I can slowly be working on that.
We’re off again today! I told you March was busy and I wasn’t lying! We still have one more trip after this! I’m hoping to post through the week, but I can’t promise anything! I think it’s going to be a pretty awesome week!
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you spending time with us by reading this blog. Time is short and there are a lot of other better put together blogs out there you could be reading, not to mention books, but you come and come again to “hang” with us. We’re blessed!

Also…a little side note. Today is a very special day because it’s Rachel’s birthday. This girl and I have been close since we were 12. And she is still one of my best friends! She has been a steady rock through life, but especially the last couple years. She’s given up time with her husband (including their first Valentine's Day, birthdays being married and first anniversary!) to be with me while Cale was in the hospital, always talked when I needed to “dump” my emotions on her, and encourages me constantly. She calls if we haven’t talked in a few days and makes sure if she’s in town, to stop and see me, even if we only get a few minutes. She’s cried with me, laughed with me, prayed with me, pushed me, and always keeps me level when things start to feel like they’re a lot bigger than they really are. You know those people that even when you haven’t seen them in a while, and then when you’re together everything feels so right? That’s her.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend! Love ya!
I’m spoiled with several of those ladies in my life!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Awhh...thanks for sharing your life with us! You have helped me grow closer to God in so many ways through this blog! :o) And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RACHEL!! Thanks for being such a good friend to Kathleen! We all need those kind of friends!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Prayers,
Emily Jordan in Sanford, NC!!
Kathleen, I am trusting Father to show you JUST HOW SPECIAL you are. He's the only one who can do the job properly. I so appreciate the gift of bein a part of yuor life. Thank you, Marion