“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” -Matthew 19:4-6
I am consistently reminded how marriage is a gift. It's a complicated challenging sweet mess of a gift. It's just one of the beautiful ways we can so clearly see Jesus.
There have been and are marriages around me that fail and end in divorce. Lives shattered and hearts broken.
In a movie I watched tonight there was a part that a high school boy asked his father why did God make Him so small and weak. The Father replied with "to show how mighty He is."
Why did God allow this brain injury in our marriage? Why did something so perfect and wonderful become so difficult and exhausting? Why did someone like me, so small and weak be chosen for such a task as this?
To show how mighty He is.
I'm thankful for my marriage...the gift that it is and continues to be.
I'm thankful for my man.
I'm thankful that LOVE between husband and wife is something that God joined together and will not be broken by anything of this world.
I pray that I am...
He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the Lord. -Proverbs 18:22
and receives favor from the Lord. -Proverbs 18:22
A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. -Proverbs 12:4
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. -Proverbs 12:4
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies. -Proverbs 31:10
She is worth far more than rubies. -Proverbs 31:10
I pray that I'm a blessing to my husband and that every day he gets to experience a little more of Jesus through me. In the midst of every fault that I have, that I would love him like Christ loves him.
I pray that not a day will pass that I'm not over the top thankful for being his wife.
I pray that I will continue to cherish all the days of our life...
When I asked what Cale thinks about marriage he said...
"It's good. I like it. I like ours. Lots."
Me too Cale, me too.
You are those things, Kathleen. Not just to your husband, but to so many women who read this blog and see your life, and see a Proverbs 31 woman in the flesh. Thank you for having the courage to be who God called you to be.
Oh, Dear One, what a precious, precious, writing. THANK YOU!!! More people need to realize that what they are going through isn't about them, BUT AN OPPORTUITY to show HOW MIGHTY GOD IS!! I love you and am grateful for the gift of you in my life. Marion
ReplyDeleteI just have to say..."Awwwhhh...so sweet!!" What a blessing you are!
ReplyDeleteEMily Jordan
Another thing...we have that same Willow Tree figure in our bedroom! I love it! :o)
You two are SUCH and inspiration and encouragement!