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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Living each day...

{Cale in high school}
Some days I miss him so much that I forget that no matter how hard I close my eyes...when I open them, he's still not back.
Some days I look at Cale now and fill so full of love for him, I can't imagine him being any other way.
Some days I need a little extra chocolate.
Some days I wonder what I would be like with a brain injury. Would I have been willing to work so hard for so long with out understanding? Or would I have given up?
Some days I feel so encouraged and ready to share with the world the way Christ has given us joy in the midst of sorrow, peace in the midst of chaos, and confidence in Him in the midst of confusion.
Some days I want to sit in a room and hide from it all.
Some days I want to scream.
Some days I want to dance.
Last night while reading Jesus Calling for Kids I was reminded to see each day as an adventure planned out by God. Each day is a precious gift to us and we're not to take the easy way out or just want to get through the day...we're supposed to live each day and follow our Shepherd wherever He leads...even when it's scary.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
-Psalm 118:24


  1. Oh, I am so glad I know Father has His hand on you. Otherwise I wouldn't be sure what to think. I don't understand what He is doing. He does, and that's enough. I lvoe you, Marion

  2. :o) Some days I'd like to eat a little EXTRA chocolate with you. Next time I have some, I'll be thinking of you (and I will pray)!
    Emily Jordan

  3. Kathleen,
    I'm so glad you are in a place that has the knowledge and the power to keep you and Cale safe. I will focus my prayers on medication and on keeping you physically from harm. I don't know why, but in my heart, I knew it was becoming physical. And I know this man you love, this man whom loves you, this is not who he is and if he was in his mind before brain injury, he would never ever ever cause you phyical harm. Each day, I pray for you both. Michele


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