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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Still Here...

I'm here. 

How many times have I written those words on this blog the last several years?


It's full.

I've caught myself in the middle of walking somewhere, stopping and taking in a deep breath. Pausing for a moment to remember that I'm not just on a constant mission of keeping everything going-I'm living life. 

The idea to pause long enough to sit here and type up something feels overwhelming at times. I do have lots of thoughts and lots to share...I just feel at a loss of how to get it out. 

I also don't want to just post just to post. 

It's funny how when this blog started, I literally dumped all of my thoughts out. I went through my day and as almost a safe place, I would curl up with my computer and write. I didn't care if it wasn't perfect. I didn't care if everything was spelled correctly or grammar was correct. I just dumped. I didn't pay attention to how you would read it and how it would make us look to all of you. 

I just wrote.

I prayed and then typed. 

It was simple. 

After years passed and reading thoughts and opinions about my family that stung my heart, leading me to a place of fighting fear and just wanting to live in my tiny bubble, I struggled to just write.

Everything suddenly needed to be thought through so carefully (which isn't all bad...) and with that led to me being unsure about posting. I've even typed up something to post and deleted it. 

I'm constantly reminded that this life I'm living with my sweet crazy family- it is not always pretty. It is often a struggle and a joy all at the same time and that is okay.

Friend, I'm learning more and more every day that pain & praise can coexist. That the Lord can use us, The Darling Family- when there is daily pain and praise in our home. When we have a day full of laughter and an evening full of tears. He loves us and our light in the world can still shine brightly because of Him and for Him. 

Thank you as always for your continued love and support. I was reading back through a notebook from a few months after the accident and sat in awe. From the past to the present there is absolutely NO way I could say thank you to each of you that have helped us along in whatever way you did- cards, packages, visits, food, donations, time...all of it. 

We're thankful for you! 


  1. Dear One, You are beautiful!! You are created in the image of our Father. That makes you a beauty QUEEN. You walk His path before you with grace. You honor Him. Father is PLEASED.

    Kathleen, I have another friend whose blog I follow daily. She posts a picture, a verse and maybe a few words. You don't have to have a whole bunch to say. It's just nice to know you are okay. Those who need to know detail will know. The rest of us are blessed to know you are doing okay and close to Source, enjoying His gifts. Even the unusually wrapped ones. That can be said in just a sentence or two. The saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words. Sooo, if you post a picture or two, that's two thousand words. '~'

    I love you and am honored to be a part of your journey,


    1. Marion, thank you for your sweet words. I've been meaning to respond to your email...
      I completely agree! I definitely don't feel pressure to post or to write anything at all. I have things I want to write but I know that I've been so much more hesitant and cautious because of fear. Praying through it as always! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a joy to know that you're not only "still here" but living life and blessing others while walking the hard path! We love you through the good, the bad, and the ugly, so let those tears flow, enjoy the good times, and laugh often... we're still here too!

    1. And I am SO grateful you're still here!!!

  3. See Kathleen, TK, too, says it's a joy just to know you are there. It doesn't have to be paragraphs long, just a line or two.

    I love you,



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