His schedule right now is:
9:30-10am he has Neuro Psych
10-11am- Occupational Therapy
1-2pm-Physical Therapy
2-3pm-Vision Therapy
3-4pm-Recreation Therapy
There are a couple days that this changes a little, but for most of the week this is how the first part of the day goes. Some nights during the week there are extra events, whether it's an outing, a special dinner (Friday Night Family Dinners), or Bingo! Now, he's getting some homework from some of the therapists too! Yikes! He's doing amazing though and I just can't get out enough of how proud I am of him!
Today we had a special event in the main hospital. They called it the Country Store, that was kind of like a bake sale/lunch/performance by dancers. It was fun and a nice change for lunch. On the way back, Cale walked with PT about half the way. We kept asking if he wanted or needed a break and he would say "No, keep going." We were really impressed! He was walking with help, but still...it takes a lot! When we got back to the gym, he got on the elliptical. He's done this in the past with a little help for 15 minutes, but today the resistance was up to 10! The goal was for 3 minutes, but he wanted to keep going. When he got to 5, he said no to a break and kept going. Again at 7 minutes, we offered another rest break, and Cale said no! He made it all the way to 10 minutes! This was after walking really far! He sat for about 5 minutes after that and then walked all the way back to his room. I asked him how that made him feel doing so much, and instead of him saying tired, he said "So good!"
Here is a video to show a tiny bit of his hard work!
In ST, Patty was telling Cale how great he was doing and how she was proud of him because he's been working really hard through every session. It's hard for him to understand that he's getting better and things are changing, because he doesn't fully remember life before, and he doesn't grasp how far he's come. He's really trying his best though! Go Cale!
After all of his hard work, we went to dinner at a place called The Creamery (I hope this is right...). Cale helped choose what he wanted, ordered, and helped figure out how much cash we needed for the bill. He's pretty stinkin' amazing! :) Our dinner dates were two of our RT's and some our good friends here at the hospital, Ben and Katie. They're getting ready to leave so this was our good bye outing.
This was a Christmas Tree by where we ate. It felt so random when it was 80 degrees today and it's only the beginning of November! Here is our "What?!" picture :)
Cale was giving me a hug this evening and kissed the top of my head. With a very sweet soft voice, he said, "I love you so much my Girl." then I replied with a very loud sigh. I am so blessed beyond words.
"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17
4)I am so thankful for miracles. They aren't just a thing of the past or something that is made up. Things aren't just by chance...God is working full blown miracles every day, and I am thankful that I get to be a part of one. Each time Cale is doing something, he's doing better and better, he's working hard and that is a miracle! Along with him being alive, breathing on his own, his vision, swallowing, talking, walking, and so much more! I'm so thankful that the Lord is living among us (not just in story books), He is our mighty Savior, He delights in us with gladness, He calms ALL of my fears, and I'm thankful that he rejoices over us with songs. I can feel it every day as I walk in miracle after miracle with Cale!
I'm a puddle of tears!!! WOw! my heart and my eyes were so happy to see him on the elliptical and then when you wrote he told you he loved you my girl . . what words of affirmation for you. You are in my daily prayers....hearfelt deep prayers ..not "pray for Cale" . .although that would work I'm being very specific. . I'm so confident! You are doing great! I did specifically pray for his outlook/attitude to be content staying until after the holidays. One specific in how I prayed is that the upcoming holidays and all the decorations, parties, excitement would give Cale a child-like spirit of anticipation to make the time go by quickly for him. . and we will wait in anticipation of how much more he accomplishes by the time the holidays are over. You are such an inspiration. You teach me so much like SLOW down . . treasure face to face time with my husband, etc. often times we get so caught up in the day to day do we really sit and appreciate each other and our marriage. So many of us take the ones we love for granted so your life is a real eye-opener to so many. You are a wonderful wonderful wife and I hope you know that. So pat on the back to you. Hang in there. . keep looking forward to great things yet to come. . prayers.
ReplyDeleteThis link above is to another beautiful song I wanted to share. You are never ALONE!
I am so glad that you have the extra time at this facility. Since I read the blog daily, I am able to rejoice regularly with Cale's progress and God's miraculous healing. What is funny is that I tend to accept his great gains and forget where he has come from. Periodically, I remember your time here and specific conversations we had about discouraging 'predictions' from the med. community and I am jolted and amazed to think about how many of those 'predictions' are already proved wrong! I pray you and Cale will find joy in the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons as he finishes up his time there.
ReplyDeletei agree.its too early for a tree.lol:)but its a pretty one