he·ro -a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

There is not enough time in one day to be able to express how thankful we are for the men and women that have served and are still serving this country. As a military wife for 5 years, I can say first hand that it's not an easy job. It requires long hours, lots of training, sacrifice of time, of family, friends, pleasure, and so much more. We had some really hard years of missing each other a lot, but when Cale joined the Army, it was a moment that I felt I couldn't be any more proud of him. Every day that he put on his uniform and every time we had to say good bye, it felt like it did that moment he joined. Caleb Darling, I am so incredibly proud of you.

We thought today was going to be a day with out any therapy's and the plan was to stay in bed ALL day and relax. He still hasn't had a day with out therapy or appointments since we got here. When I got to the hospital this morning, PT had already seen him and OT showed up about 30 minutes later...so still no day off! At 11 there was a Veterans Day ceremony and lunch and then after that-we cuddled for 4 hours straight! It was wonderful! We both felt spoiled which Cale fully deserved for today :)
I wanted to share something that Cale and I did in January. Our church in NY was going through a series that was encouraging every one to think about what their dreams and goals were and go after them. One Sunday, Pastor Kirk had people just shout out their dreams. Some people said write a book, some said own a business, or finish school...there were lots of different dreams filling the church. It didn't just stop there, the church had set it up to really help people finally achieve their dreams. Pastor Kirk had every one write out their dreams in 3 different categories, I don't remember now what they were though. Cale and I new we were going to be moving, but we wanted to be a part of it too. I had already written a list in my journal a couple years before, so I pulled that out, and Cale took time to write his. Yesterday I read in Haggai and saw where I had written what Cale and I had come up with...
January 2010 Pastor Kirk "Dreams Being Fulfilled"
Haggai 2-
1) See it finished- vs. 3
2) Be strong Against Dream Killers- vs. 4
3) Work for it- vs. 4
4) Do not fear- vs.5
5) Provision-It's all His- vs.8
6) Look at the greatness God can do- vs. 9
Our Dreams
1) Get better at hockey
2) Get a good job that pays well and still allows time for family
3) 2 good cars
4) Own a home
5) Start a family
1) Be a great wife
2) Be a great mom
3) Have a loving and welcoming home
4) Be a family to our children's friends that don't have good families
5) Be a part of a ministry for single moms
6) Something with desserts and cakes
Things changed pretty quick the next month and I think some of our goals have changed a little. I'm going to be praying about and working on a new list for us as a family over the next couple weeks, but I thought it would be fun to share with you where we were at in life just a few weeks before the accident. :)
I realized I wasn't very clear on what I meant for addresses...I would love for you to send your home address because I have a little something to send using good ol' snail mail :) I've already been sent some emails, but several of them were for me to get your email address. Sorry I wasn't very clear! Also, if your church or you know of a church that's praying for Cale will you send that info too? That would be so great! Just send the email to prayingforcale@yahoo.com I'm the only one with access to the email so no worries!
A have a very specific prayer request tonight. I've mentioned how Cale is saying he's sad that he's here and wants to go home. Well, it's getting worse. His Neuro Psychologist said that because his memory span is so short right now, if he gets in that mood, change the subject with something happy, and that will get him off of those feelings and on to happy feelings. All day it hasn't worked. He wasn't even able to enjoy the ceremony very much and for the most part while we cuddled he was fine, but he did bring it up a few times. Tonight, I was getting him into bed, and he had a really sad moment. My heart is aching for him. I know that this is partly a good sign because he's becoming more aware, but tonight was awful and there's no way for me to fix it. I also know that the answer is not to just bring him home to make it better, because he won't just be better. His brain is healing and this is part of it, I just really don't like it. Please pray for peace in his mind, comfort when I'm not there with Him, understanding that this is a blessing to be at this great rehab, strength to keep fighting, endurance to continue on through this journey, continued joy that only the Lord can provide, wisdom for me as I'm by Cale's side encouraging him as he walks this long road to recovery.
Here's a video that I watched and wanted to share. It reminds us of what holidays like today are all about! Let it load all the way before starting it. It's way better that way!
Happy Veteran's Day!
Hi Kathleen: I would like to know what your address is. I would like to send you some stamps to assist in your mailing out items. I admire you so much. My daughters grew up with Cale & Ty. Monica & Tina Andring. You and Cale are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
ReplyDeletePlease let me know you actual address. My email is pandring@luvfishing.com
my phone number is 509-308-8174
I also have a facebook account: pattie-david carter-Andring.
God be with you and keep you safe and confident. You are a gift from God for Cale & his family.... and all of us....
Love In Christ.
Pattie Andring
Thank You, Kathleen, for sharing the song. I continue to pray/trust Father for both you and Cale. Marion Hansen