When two people really, really love each other, even ordinary days are fun.
Here is some of the early celebration fun…
We went to Olive Garden with Eric and Linn. Cale had a steak of course!
Eric and Linn surprised us with a slice of chocolate cheesecake that I devoured! Mmm!
After dinner, they took us to a beautiful spot to see the city. It was so pretty!

This morning I thought I would encourage Cale a little with his walking. Right now, he looks like a toddler when he walks with out his walker. I was telling him that toddlers don’t stay walking like that, they start walking, and then keep walking and then get better. I told him I knew it was going to get better because he is always determined to master everything he does and when he plays games, he always wants to get the high score. I thought I was being smart and suggested that we make walking like a game. Cale very quickly replied, “I have to like the game.” Haha! He makes me laugh!
Even though it’s our anniversary, we still had the daily grime. Mostly it’s fun stuff because it’s preparation for us to leave tomorrow! Yahooooo! An ENT appointment was a part of the not so fun events of the day. The MRI did show some left traces of the tumor and they did a scope today. Cale has some tissue left over in his throat that they’re going to be monitoring the growth of. Praying it disappears in Jesus name! One of the fun parts of the day was our Honda leaving! It’s now back in our home town. My sister came with a friend to drive it back for us. This was the first time she has seen Cale since the accident, so it was extra special!
I had to look back at last year and be so thankful for getting to spend today with Cale and being able to have a conversation with him, to hear him say that he loves me, and to laugh and be silly with him…it’s a lot more fun then last year!
This is some of today…
Before Cale and I were dating, I had decided that I was a princess and God had a prince some where ready for me, and I wasn’t going to date a bunch of peasants to find him. We had met in middle school, and became better friends through the years. Cale had started going to church with TJ and for a long time, TJ and Cale would drive me crazy! They were obnoxious in youth group and more than once, I had venting sessions, questioning why they even came to church if they were just going to be a distraction. Guys…I would love to say they settled down as they grew older…but they didn’t.
Well, there was a big group of us going to prom May 2004 and I was the only one with out a date. Finally we asked if Cale would go with me just as friends. He was against the dances and thought they were dumb, but he said that he would go with me. It must have been a great night, because the next day he asked me to date him, and after praying about it, I said yes the day after that! Now, if you knew him, and you knew me…you would have been confused. At least I was! Haha! Cale graduated that year and I still had one year to go. In January 2005, Cale came to me and said that he was going to join the Army. This had been his plan through high school, but once we started dating, he had given that idea up (I was totally ok with that!). Our plan had been that he would go off for four years and do the Army thing, I would do the college thing, and then after we would get married. The idea of not being together killed us, but we were so young-we couldn’t possibly get married…! In March 2005, we had decided, why wait? We loved each other, we knew we were going to get married, why not just go through the adventure of life together? That night, I went to my house, Cale went to his and we both prayed about it. Were we crazy? Yes.
The next morning, the first thing Cale said was, “I feel peace.” I had felt the exact same thing. Again, were we crazy? Yes.
On Mach 17, 2005 (I was 18 and had finished my graduating test the day before…technically still in high school!) we became husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Darling! There hasn’t been a single split second of a thought since, that we wondered if we had done the right thing. Through him leaving for training, moving across the country, deployments, and the car accident, I am still 100% positive that we had done the very best thing for us. Were we crazy?! Yes. But, we’ve loved each other like crazy too! It’s been amazing to see how the Lord has blessed us and continued to use us and our marriage as an example of love to others over the last 6 years.
Our first wedding was in March on a Thursday night. I didn’t know it was St. Patrick’s Day until the night before. Mama and Janis had gotten a bouquet made for me with green ribbon. When I first saw it, it was one of those, “Uh…thank you?” moments, until they told me what day it was on. Once I found that out, I thought it was a cute idea! We had a very small ceremony that we had planned really quickly, before Cale left a month later for Basic. While he was gone to training, I planned another ceremony in November and had all of our friends and family, join us for the celebration!
Here are a couple pictures from the first ceremony. Now, we really were just pups then! Heehee! :)

Happy Anniversary to my Man. You are amazing Cale, and I love being your wife in this life. I’m so thankful that 7 years ago, you had a crush on me, and didn’t just let it be only a crush. You were first a super sweet man for going to the silly dance with me so that I could feel like a princess for a night, and then you were a brave man to ask me to date you. My heart is so very thankful that I said yes.
I love you.
I received an email of a very special precious gift that I wanted to share, even though this is already another really long post. A very talented young lady drew me some pictures of the powerful time I had with the Lord that was so clear on my heart.
Here they are!
Yes, Awesome.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kathleen, for sharing your story with us.
Our anniversary was two days ago.
Praying for you two.
Happy Anniversary Cale and Kathleen!
That drawing is powerful!! Happy Anniversary. I enjoyed your love story:) You were the true Princess Bride. I sent you a card and forgot to include the gift. Silly me. By the time I realized it, it was too late to send it to you at the hospital. As soon as you give us your new address, I'll get it in the mail. Love, Julie
ReplyDeleteWhat JOY!! Thank you for sharing this day with us. It has been an honor to be a part of your life and get to meet you. Cale did so well with the video. I love you both, and wish the best on your trip...make that trust for the best on your trip. It will be smooth, and without TSA opportunities of stretching. Hugs, Marion
ReplyDeleteYou two are amazing! God brought you together several years ago, God kept you together just over a year ago, and God sustains you daily.
ReplyDeleteI pray that God will bless you on your trip, keep you safe and happy, and deliver you into the next phase of your life... Home!
Isn't God awesome?!
Prayers and best wishes for the two of you on your Anniversay and always,
Happiest Anniversary - loved the rememberance, loved the drawings - Love love love you both !!!!! praying for Caleb and you that your testimony will continue to inspire love wherever you go !!! Always - His way ~ Reenie
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary Cale and Kathleen:)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story, your adventure, your walk,...with our most Awesome God; it is most inspiring!
Vicky Boyett
Hello Leena Bean, I had a awesome time with you & Cale even though it was only a couple hours. The guy that came with me to Seattle is Jered Crawford. It's weird that we think we live in a big world , when really we don't. See on the way to Seattle I was telling Jered about Cales accident when Jered looks at me "is his name Caleb?" I said yes it is. Jered then tells me how he has known Caleb since he was young & he dated Cales sister. I was in shock I had never met this young man until today, my friend Sandy was supposed to go with but things happened, Sandy told me "my nephew will go though". I'm happy I made a new friend & Cale got to see a old one! Happy 6th Anniversary Kathleen & Caleb
ReplyDeleteLove Always Big Sis Carla
So many exciting changes!!!!! Congratulations Cale for all your HARD WORK! You two deserve a vacation :)