I guess since I left my cuddling duties, Basil stepped in!
Cale had his used tissue sitting next to him. After about 5 minutes, he found the tissue and was wondering who it belonged to. When I said it was his, he said that he disagreed and was so grossed out! He wouldn’t even touch it!
We played a new game today. It’s called Qbitz and seems like a really great game for him. It uses 16 little blocks and with them, you copy a picture. It’s supposed to be played as a competition, but Cale isn’t ready for that. I then tried to help him with the whole picture and we ended up having to do block by block. It excites me because I know right now this game is incredibly hard for him, but one day it’s gonna be a piece of cake!
I’ve been having really small discussions with Cale lately. I have to keep them short and simple, but sometimes when he keeps asking questions, they don’t stay too short. Well, several times, he will forget what we’re talking about before we’re even done talking about it. It’s funny because I will say the exact same things that I had just said, and he will ask the same questions! We sound a little funny talking I’m sure… :)
We had a successful grocery shopping trip today. I really needed to pick up a few things, but after the last couple trips, I was hesitant on taking Cale again. I finally decided after his short nap that I needed to go, so I just did it. He helped pick out the veggies and fruit-and we had a blast doing it! I let him go down the ice cream isle and pick out some while I ran and conquered the next few things on the list. Then when we hit the chip isle, I let him pick out a bag of chips while I grabbed the last few things. He actually enjoyed grocery shopping! I think that might be a first in history! ;)
We had Dennis and Kathy over for dinner tonight. For dessert Cale helped me wash strawberries (and then decided being in the kitchen was boring! Haha!), and then we mixed them with some mango, blackberries, and banana. It was so yummy! As soon as I cut into the mango, thoughts flooded of Africa. When Cale was deployed the first time, I went with a friend to Malawi and spent 6 months getting to love on a whole bunch of kids and babies. Love on them is exactly what I did- a lot of! It was my first time ever having mango and the market that was close by was always full of the sweet fruit. Precious memories!!

After dinner we played cards for a while. It was fun all four of us getting to play together and I always love seeing Cale smiling so much! :)
I want to ask all of you to be praying about something. I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’ve included you all on every part of this journey, so why would I change that?! I started a couple weeks ago and today put a good start to writing a book. It’s going to be slow going just because of time to get it done, but I have so many thoughts and know that if a book that I write can reach, encourage, and help strengthen people that would never hear about my blog, I want to do it! I’ve been praying about it for a while and in December when I went to NY, I specifically met with our pastor there to talk about me maybe writing. So…please be praying that the Holy Spirit would take my fingers and direct them to share every word that needs to be shared. That it would be something that gives all glory to the Lord and everything He’s done through this journey; He’s done so much!!
Thank you for ALL of your prayers!!!
I would love to read your book as much as I love to read your blog. In fact, you have already written a blog book! You are an inspiration to me and probably to many others who faithfully follow this journey with you! You are a gift Kathleen, staight from God to all of us.
YES! and AMEN ! This is not something that you have a choice in - you must write this - okay well I guess you DO have a choice but I am glad that you have concluded that it is the next step- LOL ! So happy that Caleb and you could enjoy the grocerie store - that IS something ;) The new game sounds great !!! Love the picture of Caleb and Basil! I remember reading yours and Melissa's letters from the orphanage and I would cry every time !!!!! Someday I believe I will go to that very orphanage..... someday. Funny seems like most things you write make me cry - or maybe that isn't funny - ummmm I don't know ;) So excited for you and will be praying for you as you write that God would fill you with his annointing and grace to write and not feel overwhelmed ! God is going before you in this I just know it - Love you Girl ((())) have a great day !!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Spirit is going to speak through you mightily Kathleen. This is part of the fulfillment of your destiny, part of what I saw in Malawi. It starts with experience, from your heart thus revealing His heart. Destiny has begun! Be encouraged He is with you. Love you! Barb
ReplyDeleteHow like Father to give you a purpose during this time. I love the pictures. We had organic mangos on sale BOGO up where Ben works. I enjoy them in salads and smoothies. I love you, Marion
ReplyDeleteLEENA!!!! I have been thinking since almost the very beginning of your journey that you should write a book!!! I will DEFINITELY be praying for you as you move towards that! And will be HONORED to be first in line to buy that book when it is released!!! (Autographed copy, of course! tee-hee!) Love you!!!! <3 Marilyn
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing to do Kathleen I would love to read it. I know as the lady before me wrote you have wrote a book blog and I know your story will help others. My prayers for you. Take care, Jean
ReplyDeleteWell sweetie....if you need "confirmation'....go back and look at many of the comments posted on your blogs from others who have been encouraged & inspired by your writings. You will see that many of us have seen God's words coming from your heart & pen...(well computer :-D)...and have encouraged you to do this very thing!! Many great writers/speakers are those who have experienced life... "first hand". You have been given a gift thru this tragedy. Go for it!!:-D
ReplyDeleteJudy Jay
As I've been praying for both of you for the past year, I have seen a vision of you writing a book and speaking to groups about your journey. Go with where He is leading you. It will be amazing.
ReplyDeleteYay! Write a book!