With thankfulness filling me up, I was able to get Cale settled in the bathroom and then I went to fix the covers on the bed (they always get crazy twisted and fall off the bed!). When I walked back in, I didn’t say anything, I just quietly sat on the floor next to where Cale was. He reached down and put his hand on my head and then after a second, I said something and completely startled Cale! He said, “Oh! You’re not the dog!” Hahaha! Uh…not sure what to say? Oh man! I laughed so hard! Then not only was I filled up with refreshment of scripture, but also of laughter with my husband. It was a sweet surprise to have such two beautiful moments!
I had my first load of laundry in by 6am…so, I didn’t sleep for too long after that time. One of my favorite times of the day (out of many) has become the sound of hearing Cale’s cane come down the hall. We have wood floors so I can hear every step. I rested my head back on the couch this morning just listening with a big grin across my face. It’s such a comforting sound! It reminds me of how far we’ve come through this journey and how the impossible with man has become possible with God. It reminds me that we’re home again and that I still have my husband with me. Before Cale reached the couch, I also had the thought about how one day; the sound silence is going to be what’s comforting. One day, I know he’s not going to need the cane-I know it. It’s getting so close that I wait in anticipation like a child waits for Christmas morning. One day it will just be his steps that bring him to me and NO device! Praise God! I wanted to update on his walking because I’m not sure that I’ve posted recently, Cale has been using ONLY his cane! He hasn’t touched the wheelchair since April 1 and he hasn’t touched his walker since the first week of May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! In fact, he refuses to use either of them! In some cases it limits us(this is why I never pushed getting to the zoo) because he can’t walk as far or as long, but it’s so exciting to watch his determination take off in this area! Love it!
Cale had Speech again today and did great! I was able to talk with his speech therapist some more about the last session and she said he actually did very well with the ipad! She has gone to an ipad conference and talked about how loaded it is with good stuff for Cale, and today they messed with it some more. I watched for part of it, and man! It’s looking so great! Very exciting to see this too! It’s not anything that he’ll be able to do right away on his own…wait, what am I saying?! He might just surprise me! :) It was a great session and after me getting to sit with the speech therapist and the Rehab Specialist today, I feel so encouraged and ready to take off running with some of our ideas!
Please keep praying for…
…Cale wanting to go home. I wish I could say that I’m not letting it bother me, but it does. It hurts and makes me so sad that he keeps asking. At one point today, after already going over it several times with him, I said, “I have bad news for ya…this is as good as it gets.” It probably wasn’t the best thing to say after my many failed attempts at being encouraging and positive, but, what can I say? Right now I can actually say I’m thankful that 30 minutes later he had totally forgotten the conversation and what was said!

I wish I knew the proper words to say, your undying devotion to your husband, and humor in situations that would bring most to tears is inspiring. Aside from God, you are the reason that your husband is doing so well. I pray for you guys all the time, and will continue to do so. I know that God has great plans for you!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I am hardhearted, but I don't think that was such a harsh thing to say to Cale. Afterall, Father is with him too, to help deal with things, I mean. Sometimes even a small child needs to hear how what they say makes a person feel. I love you Kathleen, and am proud of you. Father is proud of you, too. Marion