Some of you may remember that I had started a devotional while in Seattle. It’s called, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I love it. It’s written as if Jesus was speaking through scripture that she had read. Very neat little tool.
I want to share part of what I read this morning, because it pin pointed exactly what I needed to hear:
Come to Me for rest and refreshment. The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary. Do not be ashamed of you exhaustion. Instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life. Remember that I can fit everything into a pattern for good, including the things you wish were different. Start with where you are at this point in time and space, accepting that this is where I intend you to be. You will get through today one step, one moment at a time. Your main responsibility is to remain attentive to Me, letting Me guide you through the many choices along your pathway.
The last couple mornings I’ve put on worship music during my quiet time. I’ve done this many times before and am always so blessed by the way music seems to open my heart right up. Right as I started reading the devotional this morning, Come Away/Let Me In by Jesus culture came on.
Come away with me, Come away with me
It's never too late, it's not too late
It's not too late for you
I have a plan for you
I have a plan for you
It's gonna be wild
It's gonna be great
It's gonna be full of me
Open up your heart and let me in.
Oh. My. Goodness.
Do I hear God speak to me-yes. This was so crystal clear and the whole time I spent in my living room with my arms lifted up praising the God that I serve, the God that is always with me; the God that is Healer and Sustainer…
In total and complete awe.
Once Cale was up and going, it was time to try him at home alone. I was nervous when I left the house! The RS found a place on the deck and I kissed my sweet husband good bye.
My time was wonderful and productive! I first met my good friend Zita at Starbucks and got in some good visiting. I then ran and errand that I have been putting off, visited Mama while she was on her break, window shopped, and then went grocery shopping! It all felt good!
One of the things they wanted to test Cale with was if a stranger came to the door, if he would answer it and what he would do. Well, while out and about I received a call from the RS that Cale answered and let the “stranger” come in! :( His reply when she asked why he let her in was, “I was here so it’s safe.” Which, it’s not like he’s had the “don’t answer the door to strangers talk” in quite some time. I’m not sure if we’re going to give it a break and try again or what the plan is now. Keep praying!
Also, I was told that he and Basil stayed together the whole time! :)
While we were in Palo Alto a ministry from a church nearby had gotten in contact with us. Through them I met some pretty great people that I can’t wait to see again. I was also interviewed and they’ve put together a little something from that. There’s a lot more footage I hope to show at some point, but I did want to show you this video that they created about our story.
I hope you watch and are blessed!!!

What do you think?

Pretty much the same cut just shorter…and I love it! Cale even likes it and he always likes my hair long, so it feels good that he likes it so much too. :)
What a beautiful video!
ReplyDeleteCasey Q
I can only say over and over that you are my hero Kathleen Darling. I love you I love you and again I say I love you. Oh and I love your hair.
ReplyDeleteyou are amazing!! can't wait to see you again in a few weeks! :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet, sweet video. Brought tears to my eyes. You are a great woman, Kathleen.
ReplyDeleteCUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!! I love your hair. It's still long enough for a ponytail. For me, I would need it that long. W O W!!!!!! Caleb has come so far in his walking. That video was/is amazing. Kathleen, Caleb WILL be able to be left at home alone in time. Father has His hand on him, and is geting him ready for that time. This was just the first step along the way. By the way, I remember times I had my pets with me the whole time I was by myself. They are Father's comfort in whatever pet form they are. :) I love you and honor you. May you have a special touch of Father's grace this very moment. Marion
ReplyDeleteI am honored to be a small part of your lives. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI love the video (posted it to my wall so my family can see it!) and I love the hair, too! You look wonderful!! I will continue to pray for Cale's ability to make wise decisions when left home alone. Every other gain has come in stages and I believe this will, too. Love you both!
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for all the sweet words! Kathy: Thank you for putting it on your always blesses me when people do that! Thank you for thinking our "story" is worthy of sharing!