We're here.
Here waiting for this little babe.
We've been enjoying our time with just one.
One little girl who is the life of the party-always.
It's crazy to even try to imagine what he will be like.
It's too crazy to think and dream up and idea of what life is about to be like with a number two-ha.
I was able to spend a day out with this sweet friend!
Our town had a special evening with EMT's, police officers, and firemen. Nora had a blast!
We went and stood in line very early in the morning for a Luke's experience from Gilmore Girls. Cale was even willing to brave the madness! Ha.
This was Nora after her Luke's experience!
Since about February-ish Cale has been getting dizzy and having really bad headaches. We've worked through some different possibilities...still no answers. Please be praying for him when you think of it. It's just an added frustration for him.
We do know now it is not caused by something in his brain dramatically changing. We're so thankful for this but we still need to figure out why!
Nora is LOVING preschool. LOVES it.
This little guys was in our yard one morning. Fun for us to find!
Hurricane Matthew came and went. He flooded our yard and tore down part of one of our trees. We know there was a lot more damage caused all over and still think about how many people are picking up the pieces...
She played so sweetly. I took a little video that I could have taken the time to load but didn't. She sang the its bitsy spider as her fingers gently touched the keys and towards the end even messed up and she had to stop and play again to fix it. So cute. so so so cute.
When your name is Nora...
We're ready for the little guy! He's sharing a room with his big sis. We'll see how that goes...!
We love our friends!!
Nora's first field trip! We crossed the street and went to the little pumpkin patch!
We also went to the State Fair! I couldn't get on a single ride so E and I just hung out together :)
I did however eat a deep fried Milky Way. I. am. NOT. sorry.
We also went to the big pumpkin patch. There was pony riding, bounce house jumping, slide riding and the entire time we were there, we didn't look at the pumpkins. Ha!
She's just growing. Growing. Growing. Growing.
I had a sweet picnic with my growing girl. Everything was calm. We were ladies.
...and then Nora happened.
This is complimentary mouth wash in the women's bathroom at the theater. Is it to rinse off the sugar after the movie? Or is it to prepare for a make out session during? I just don't know.
We went on one last date together before E arrives! We went to see the movie Storks! It was fun to watch it and we both agreed having a stork deliver us a baby to our door would be a lot easier and less messy.
Nora is loving ballet!
Sweet family puzzle time. Everything was calm. We were happy.
....and then Nora happened.
That's a pretty good run down of our life in October. I had hoped to get one more post in before introducing our newest member of the family to you! I'm 39 weeks today-YIKES. He could come at any time. Literally.
Last Wednesday Cale fell again. This time it was in our garage. He was trying to be helpful again. Goodness I love his heart.
This time he hurt his foot. I didn't think it was that bad. I really didn't. Saturday night I noticed it was swollen and bruised but he had still been walking on it. Monday I was going to get him in but he said he thought it was getting better. Well...
Finally after it being a full week and it was STILL swollen, painful and bruised, I took him in and we found out it's broken. Apparently its a pretty bad break...
He's not able to walk with crutches because he can't balance with them. At this point they have a boot on him but repeatedly told us that he absolutely can't put weight on it.
Cale forgets.
We're currently using his old walker which he props his knee on and then does a hop scoot kind of thing.
Wednesday night after Mama and I managed to get him upstairs, I cried to her. I was feeling so overwhelmed because listen guys, I'm already exhausted!
I did wake up Thursday morning with several people covering us in prayer and felt like we could actually tackle this.
The timing seems horrible but I reminded myself that God is not surprised. He knows. He sees us. He loves us.
Cale has an orthopedic appointment Monday and hopefully we can get a solid plan to help him heal.
Will you be praying for us about this as well?
Thanks friends.
Alrighty, I'm off. Hoping the NEXT post is a picture of this tiny little boy that I already love.
Oh, Dear Heart, You are right, Father knows. I need that reminder too. Thank you. Lily is learning about "Community Helpers" in kindergarten. Every time she sees a police officer she HAS to go up to him and talk for a minute.
ReplyDeleteYou shared "then Nora happens" times. Well, my sweet Lily HAPPENS TOO!! In case you didn't get that, Lily happens too. How can such a bundle of sweetness, and such JOY be so....challenging. I asked my doctor about it today. She asked if she was destructive, or mean. NO on both counts. She told me it sounds like she is just busy, very busy. A friend told her that her child's (now a 28 year old) characteristics will help make her a wonderful adult. I was so blessed to hear that.
I am so sorry to hear about Cale breaking his foot. I will trust Father that you will see Him work His miraculous WAYS through this time. The miracles may not be what you expect, BUT they will be there.
I am excited to see pictures of baby "E". It will be a beautiful birthing time and there after. I can hardly wait. Thank you for being Jesus in His Darlilng Family Form. I love you,
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear you are all relatively well! You must be so excited for E to come, little babies/children are such blessings! I will also pray for the needs you have listed -- May God give you strength and endurance with each day; may He reveal to the doctors what Cale needs, and for healing for both his dizziness/headaches and that poor foot!
Bless you all, in these days to come, for peace, patience and new mornings every day!